The ADUs are all set in place and final details will take about a month to complete, including all the siding, interior painting, utilities, and more.
It all looks great with the ADUs, but the rain is not helping. The trenching for the utilities disrupted all the soil, which was already compacted by the heavy machinery used to move the ADUs. But, all the sewage, water, electric, and communications pipelines are in place!
For us, seeing the prefab units being moved across our yard, navigating through tight spaces, sliding them over the backyard, and finally seeing them in place, was such a big milestone.
Here some pictures of the whole construction process until this update in December 2024.

House are in place, but rain made things messy

We got a lot of mud!
The site is not ready yet, we currently getting quotations for landscaping and we are on schedule. The plan is to have the units ready in February.
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